Inspirational Women

Lorraine Smoots

Hello. My name is Lorraine Smoots. I 
am a native of St. Louis Mo. I grew up in the suburbs of North County in an area called Moline Acres. During my teenage years I also spent time living with my grandmother in the inner city of St. Louis. After attending 4 different high schools, one of which was part of the desegregation program, I decided I had enough so I dropped out of high school and obtained my G.E.D. After receiving the requirement of 15 college level hours from my local community college I enlisted in the
United States Air Force.

Fast forward, I spent 20 plus years serving in the capacity of a veteran and department of defence civil servant. I hold a Bachelors of Science in Human Resource Management. A Masters of Arts in Professional Development and a PhD in Human Services. And after several years of running from the Lord’s calling. I answered and became an Educator. But while on the journey to living my life on purpose, I ran into several obstacles. Such as surviving an abusive relationship, being a victim of racial and sexual harassment. I fell down hard many times. Lost a few friends along the way. But those experiences helped me to cultivate a new way of thinking. I began to design my mind to think differently. And now I want to share with the world just how I did it. With just 5 simple steps every woman can “Design a Resilient Mind” and bounce forward when faced with adversity while on the path to living on Purpose!