Inspirational Women

Kristina Kastelanac

I have been a Naturopathic Doctor since 2010, but I have always been curious about how the body functions. As early as the age of 10 I longed to learn why I was struggling with chronic sinus infections and stomach problems. By the age of 12 I was reading books on healing modalities. One day I was reading a book on osteopathy, when my young brain read that “our body has the innate ability to heal”. I thought: “Yes, that’s it! I knew it! I need to do that! I need to learn how to help my body heal.” That was it for me. I knew my life purpose. I have since committed my life’s work to the study and understanding of how the body works and how it can heal itself.

I also have a deeply compassionate heart. Even as a child I loved to listen to peoples’ life stories, and to witness their plight, to ease their pain by lending an ear and being a sounding board. It felt fulfilling to know that I could help, just by attuning to them. I was also deeply wounded from not feeling attuned to myself. Attending to others needs was a way of helping myself, as well as helping others.

As I grew in my knowledge and skill of natural healing modalities (like acupuncture, supplementation, homeopathics, herbal medicine, diet and lifestyle changes), I was encouraged by how these modalities could help me and my patients move toward wellness. However, I struggled in practice if my patients had to rely on me to feel better, or, worse yet, if I wasn’t able to help them at all. I found this very challenging and difficult. I started to realize that the onus of healing had to fall on to the individual themselves. I could support, attune and attend to people, but it was the individual themselves who needed to take the steps on their journey. So the hunger to keep fine-tuning how I could help people engage their body’s own capacity to heal began. How could I help people to learn the tools that they could use on themselves, to help their bodies’ and minds to heal? How could I help them to become more resilient, without always relying only on external support (however well intended that support can be)?

This drew me to study the nervous system and the stress response. I immersed myself in Somatic Experiencing and become a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. This changed everything.

Through the journey of listening to my own body’s sensations, learning about my own patterns of fight, flight, and freeze (stress response), and how do dissolve what my body has been holding onto since childhood, I was able to step into a body that was less burdened. As I removed the obstacles within, my body could repair, rewire and heal. It was deeply transformative and it radically shifted my physical, mental and emotional health! I shared it with my friends, my family and my patients.

To witness my body’s healing potential has sparked a passion in me to help others to witness their own bodies’ healing potential. The message that I want to share and spread in this world is that your body has this innate wisdom to heal itself, and that you can become aware of this and encourage it! I want to help people to suffer less, so that we can all enjoy our lives, so we can spread that joy to the rest of humanity and into this world. When people feel safe, connected, loved, and confident they treat each other with respect and genuine kindness. We talk to the stranger on our way to work and we spread that internal joy. I see so many people suffering with physical, mental and emotional issues and I want to give them the tools to help them shift away from the repetitive cycles of struggle and pain.

This prompted me to create Body Wise Insights, where I give you the tools to learn the WHY behind your physical, mental and emotional symptoms and struggles. A program in which I help to encourage and empower you to resolve the stuck stress patterns in your body, so that you can feel more present, connected, joyful and motivated. I aim to support you with an individualized method that can help you to suffer less and enjoy more, by placing a tool in your back pocket to encourage your body to do what it innately does- to heal!

I have two beautiful programs that I created to help you do this. One is an 8-week online course with group calls. It’s a self-study where you work at your own pace and learn how to trust your body to heal itself. When questions arise, you can attend the bi-weekly group support calls. We take you on a gentle journey to unfold what is holding you back from being who you were meant to be, without the hindrances and layers of the fight, flight, and freeze responses holding you back.

The second offering I created is a one-on-one mentorship program. This program includes the online program with group calls, but also incorporates 6 months of one-on-one guidance and support from me. Through this mentorship you get to explore why your body is holding you back and learn how to encourage your own body to heal, so that you can get back to your passion, and continue your work in this world; so that you can manifest your wildest dreams. If your personal struggles (whether physical, mental or emotional) are holding you back from excelling in your professional life, we take a deep dive into your nervous system, to unleash your true potential.

The body is capable of profound transformation and healing. My deepest wish is to offer you the tools to grow and encourage this ability within yourself; to heal and transform your stuck stress patterns (physical, mental, or emotional) and move to a greater sense of focus, joy, connection and presence.

Join me today at and transform your nervous system, so that you can transform your life!

Kristina Kastelanac