Jacquie Somerville

Jacquie Somerville is a bestselling author, speaker and passion coach. She ignites audiences with her unique blend of humor, irreverence and personal development. Jacquie uses her sensational story of love, lust and loss to inspire people to open their hearts to love and pursue life with undiluted passion. Her infectious energy and tell-it-like-it-is persona are a refreshing and entertaining approach to motivation and storytelling.

In addition to writing and speaking, Jacquie has coached numerous women from around the world to live with passion, attract love, or spice up the one they’re with! She’s a renowned expert on love, passion and dating in the modern era. Her clients get their sexy back, stay safe, and feel powerful during the dating process, while having so much fun along the way and ultimately calling in their perfect match.

Jacquie was born and raised in South Africa, is a Canadian citizen and a resident of Los Angeles, California.


LIFE IS TOO SHORT FOR BORING SEX – How passionate love and great sex can unleash your genius!

Be inspired by the ultimate Good Bad girl to open your heart to passionate love and your mind to wild experimentation!

When unconditional love and Red Hot Passion collide you get One Woman After Dark… With Jacquie Somerville

This is a story of Love, Lust, Loss and profound Passion. It’s Jacquie’s true story of embracing forbidden love and taking passion to levels few dare to go – To heights of ecstasy most only read about…

It’s a story of forgiveness, the Power of white – hot passion, and the genius that lies beneath.

Because… a woman possessed by love feels capable of doing the impossible!

Ah yes, Passion is what makes life worth living, ignites the soul, pushes our limits and stimulates our highest potential

Are you ready to love like never before?

Jacquie Somerville
Amazing! Her story filled me with hope. Hope that there’s more love and more life for me. Her energy is magnificent…if you could inject some of that every day there would be nothing you could not do.
Melissa Jackson , Nashville
Her personal story & life philosophy are enough to leave your jaw dropping in awe. Her fierce nature to live her most passionate, sexy and abundant life magnetically draws your attention and inspires you to do the same. Your life is forever changed!
Shaun Neff , Entrepreneur and Coach Michigan
I’ve seen her change lives with this story!
Leslie Roberts , CTV Morning Show host, Ottawa, Ontario
She makes an instant connection with her audience through sincerity, passion, and her outrageous sense of humor!
M.J. Dougherty , Actor and Bestselling Author, California