Hi, my name is Dolphine Adipo, from Kenya. I am a student at the Kenya Institute of Development Studies, where I am studying sign language.
I would like to express my thanks and my deepest appreciation for your contribution to providing financial support to help with my schooling. Your assistance is very gratifying.
From losing my dad when I was 8, to almost being forced to drop out of highschool due to lack of school fees – which is when ‘I am Heshima’ provided me with a full highschool scholarship. I am now at the post-secondary level of my education, which is very interesting at every step. This experience and achievement which I am gaining is possible only because of your generosity. I cannot believe it.
I have been here for 5 and a half months now. I had never left my small village before, and now I am in a big city of millions of people. My english was very limited. Also, my professors themselves are deaf and mute, so I have had to learn how to communicate. I had to find my way – to get food, to buy what was needed, to know my new home, make friends, adapt to my environment. The journey has been challenging, and is now getting easier, and I truly love it.
There is a saying that says ‘No appreciation is enough for great kindness’. You are showing me, through my education and life, along with all of the girls that you support, that this is true. I, as one of them, live knowing that every girl child has a position in this life, and that we are all Queens of our own lives.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you and cherish you.

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